Because of some changes or hardships in the process of issuing individual visa or expensive individual visas some travel agencies or group tours organizers or other travelers apply for a group visa. But they don’t know the details and possible problems of such visa. China group visa is issued specially for group travels in two paper with issuing credentials, export and import date from Chinese borders. All travelers must enter and leave China together.
The most important thing is that the group must have the visa during the trip and on accommodations and present it to the authorities when it is necessary. If one the group members wants to leave the group or wants to leave China sooner or later, it can cost the group a lot.
Pay attention to the following points about this kind of visa:
Validation of this kind of visa is maximum one month and you can’t extend it so take care about return date. If you stay in China more than your applied visa date, you will require to pay a heavy fines or you will add to blacklist.
Be careful to return one copy of your visa and import stamp from the officer and be sure about checking two papers of your visa from immigration police. It is essential to take care of this version (with your other documents like passport).
For any reason including illness or any different purpose if one or some of your group need to leave China sooner or have to stay in China more you must separate your group visa to individual visa from immigration office.
Like other visas you accommodation place must be confirmed from police station so be careful to stay in valid hotels and accommodation centers. Because of some urgent reasons if you stay in unspecified palaces, report it to the nearest police station immediately (up to 48 hours including holidays).